
Your gift in any amount is needed and appreciated. Annual contributions to New World are vital to cultivate our next generation of artists and cultural leaders. 

  • You may contribute to an established endowment made possible by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Surdna Foundation for NWSA's Talented Students in the Arts Initiative, a comprehensive program for high school students that brings major guest artists to the school, places juniors in internships at major arts organizations nationwide, and supports peer to peer mentoring programs.
  • Your gift of $15,000 or more will start a Named College Scholarship. These funds are invested in highly liquid investments and are fully expendable.
  • Your gift of $25,000 creates an Endowed Named Scholarship. All funds in this category are invested in perpetuity

To discuss endowed scholarships, named guest artist endowment funds, planned gifts and bequests please contact:

Development and Donor Relations
at 305-237-3417 or

e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.