
Greetings New World School of the Arts Family, Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year at New World School of the Arts! New World School of the Arts is a magical place providing a robust curricular program alongside a professional arts program. Understanding the uncertainty of these times, please know that our commitment to students and families remain steadfast. If we can be of assistance throughout the school year or have questions, please call or visit the main office.
Dr. Contessa S. Bryant, Principal
Room 5605, 6th floor of Building 5
Office (305) 237-3135
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A text transcript of the content in the video will be provided upon request.
NWSA Visual Arts Senior Showcase 2020
New World School of the Arts Graduation 2020
2020 NWSA Graduation Program
2020-2021 M-DCPS/NWSA Registration Packet
2020-2021 M-DCPS Curriculum Bulletin
2020-2021 Enrollment Forms for Incoming 9th Graders
2020-2021 Enrollment Forms for Incoming 10th Graders
2020-2021 Subject Selection Video for Incoming 9th/10th Graders
Instructional Continuity Plan and Teacher Office Hours
NWSA, the attached document contains information needed to communicate with your teachers during the school closure. It also contains the programs and online platforms your teachers will use to provide instruction. The document contains the hours teachers will be available Monday-Friday (not including Spring Break).
Florida DOE 2019-2020 Parent Survey - Exceptional Student Education
Link: ESE Parent Survey
Overview: English - Spanish - Creole
Florida DOE 2018-19 School Report Cards
Overview: English - Spanish - Creole
Report Cards: Florida - Miami-Dade Schools - NWSA
NWSA's FSA 2019-2020 Tutoring Schedule
CONNECTION - A Newsletter for M-DCPS Parents
November - English - Spanish - Creole
December - English - Spanish - Creole
January - English - Spanish - Creole
February - English - Spanish - Creole
March - English - Spanish - Creole
The Parent Academy Mobile Application
English - Spanish - Creole
Mental Health Services
English - Spanish - Creole
M-DCPS Parent/Student Handbook 2019-2020
Star Pupils Offer Advice on Making It in the Arts
M-DCPS Curriculum Bulletin 2019-2020
Where All the School’s a Stage, and the List of Success Stories Is Long